
Reviews for Shopify Order Printer

La Marqueza Hats®️


United Kingdom


Radiant Belle Med Spa



By default is not showing the Customer info. Broken template by default.

Rosie Papeterie



Not working at all with custom templates... The previous app was working perfectly. Why, Shopify?

Savory Fine Foods


United States

What I have is perfect. Just leave me alone...

cute stuff GmbH – decorate your life



Ich bin schwer genervt, war in ewigen Chats, habe natürlich keine versierten HTML-Kenntnisse und verzweifelt versucht unsere Invoices B2B und B2C mit dieser App wieder hinzubekommen. Ein Albtraum, der viel Zeit kostet für bitte was? Ich verstehe nicht wirklich was diese neue Order Printer App soll? Gut fände ich, wenn man wählen könnte, ob man die neue installieren möchte oder einfach seine "alte" und bestens funktionierende weiterhin nutzen kann.

Inner Light Holistic


United Kingdom

OMG! Who on earth thought this app was an improvement! The old one worked, why change it? I've cut and pasted the text from the old template but it's not even close when viewed on the new order printer. The fonts are lost, totals and discounts are missing, ship to address is gone. We're not doing anything complex here, just wanting it to list the customers order, their address and what they paid for it. I can probably figure out the code to change to get it right but it's going to take a while. If anyone from Shopify is listening you REALLY have to sort this out and at least delay the removal of the legacy app to allow people time to fix your mess.



Hong Kong SAR

You can't even transfer old templates... either missing something or errors



United States

Had no issue with installing, migrating the template, and implementing it into the workflow of our daily operation.

Fox and Cactus



Like others have said; typical Shopify wasting time and resources to "update" an app that didn't need updating, only to make it worse. Importing our template from the old app also didn't work, it was missing information and came in much smaller and difficult to read. Frustrating as someone who paid for my template in the old app, because I will now need to pay more money to get a new template. A complete waste of money when the old app works fine.

Penelope’s of Otaki


New Zealand

Please do not do this. It is unnecessary and very complicated and will not work with my logistics courier company. Please Do not make any changes begging you to let it be.

Rubber Stamps by Montarga


New Zealand

Worst move ever by Shopify, a huge step backwards from the Legacy version. 0 Stars!

Flour Shop


United States

If Shopify wants to upgrade an app, then just upgrade the current app like every other vendor! Don't make everyone migrate to a new app that doesn't automatically migrate custom templates. They need to fix this ASAP. I'm decent at Liquid at this point, but there is no reason to make us spend hours to do something that shouldn't be necessary


United States

Bad move. Needs lots of time to set new tamplate, specially if you don't have skills to do it. If somebody is happy with new order printer app - just support two apps. I don't like at all the new invoice look.

Montessori Print Shop



This app is terrible! Not only can I not customize the template, it prints blank pages. lol Please come up with something better for those of us who don't know code.

Animal Kingdoms Toy Store


New Zealand

Our template does not work in the new version of order printer. Banner says to reach out if there are any issues with custom tempaltes but there is no way to actually reach out that we can find.




Zag erg op tegen het moeten aanpassen de liquid templates. Na een uurtje worstelen bleek dat erg mee te vallen. Een echt probleem is het kleine voorbeeldschermpje, dat niet 1:1 het printresultaat laat zien, en bovendien op een zo kleine schaal - klein lettertype - dat je er maar weinig aan hebt. Vraagt aandacht. In legacy kon je bouwen op het printvoorbeeld - handig wanneer je een template wilt, of zoals bij de transitie móet aan passen. Werk aan de winkel




虽然可以自动适应我的80mm打印机 但是为什么会只打印了上面一部分 下面一部分消失了?

Poko Loko India



Why this app was created in the first place? Most of the liquid variables never works while those were working in the order legacy app. Worst move ever.

Thompson Strip Doors and Supplies



Can not understand the reasoning behind the upgrade of the app.

Dirty Monkey Kustoms USA GearHead Apparel



crap templates - too confusing to even try and customize

ROXXLOXX Shopping Place


United States

It wasn't broke! NOW it is. For all the reasons you have all of the generous one star reviews! if there was a NO STAR you would have it.

J&W Meal Butler



Totally agree!! Why change what is not broken!! I am not a programmer nor do I want to be!! Please go back to the original!!



all old templates are gone!

Goose the Market


United States

Expect lots of bugs and zero help from shopify support as shopify requires transition to this "new" Order Printer. This "new" Order Printer does not work correctly with any customizations/templates from the "legacy" Order Printer, and Shopify's support staff are zero help. Shopify's support page on transitioning from the "legacy" Order Printer to this "new" Order Printer is woefully inadequate, too. With this new Order Printer, Shopify changed all their liquid formats plus simple template code that worked perfectly on the "legacy" Order Printer no longer works on the "new" Order Printer...and nobody at Shopify can say why...or offer real solutions. What's more, if you use any 3rd party providers on your shopify store to help manage inventory, pickup/delivery, locations, bundles, discounts, tipping, just about anything...expect additional issues using this "new" Order Printer...and Shopify support is again zero help because they use 3rd party providers as a scapegoat. Don't get us wrong -- the "legacy" Order Printer was far far far from required a TON of template customization to be even remotely useful. This is still the same for this "new" Order Printer...except that Shopify has thrown in the "bonus" of mysterious liquid and code changes (seemingly in secret, leaving both customers and support staff to stumble upon them as bad surprises). With this "new" Order Printer, Shopify shows yet again how out of touch they are with us customers doing business in the real world. Difficult to see this "new" Order Printer as more than a thinly veiled attempt to squeeze more money out of customers by providing substandard products and service that leave customers in the lurch unless they pony up $$ for a yet another 3rd party app to band-aid Shopify's poor product and service. Do better, Shopify. If we don't say something, they never will.




What a mess! Why replace a perfectly functioning App with a new App that makes no real contribution? All the custom templates I had created have to be redone, the code I had written doesn't work in the new App. I'm very, very disappointed! I will use the previous Order Printer Legacy App as long as I can and I hope that Shopify will intervene and fix this serious damage.