Codeboost: Discount code promo
Promote discount codes across your storefront
2 Ratings
About this app
Promote discount codes using custom badges on products in collection page, product page, and cart!
Codeboost enhances the customer experience by promoting discount codes across the critical funnel of your website. Codeboost allows you to promote sales privately to your most valuable customers by choosing specific customers on a discount code.
- Annouce private sales to specific customers using custom badges!
- Display custom badges on product collection pages, product pages, and cart.
- Highly customizable with dozens of fonts, styles, effects, and behaviour.
Marketing & Conversion
Key Benefits
- Promote in catalog pages: Display a badge that is highly customizable on products in the catalog page. Only eligible products to chosen customers will be shown!
- Promote in product pages: Display a message that is highly customizable on the product page. Only eligible products to chosen customers will be shown!
- Promote in cart page: Display a message that is highly customizable on the cart page. Only eligible products to chosen customers will be shown!
Pricing Plans
- Max one sale
- Max 10 products in sale
- Email support
- Unlimited sales
- Unlimited products in sale
- Email support