AAA Recurring Memberships
Monthly Subscriptions: Recurring Payments, Recurring orders
82 Ratings
About this app
Recurring membership, Show/Hide pages, Discount Pricing, Free Shipping, Digital memberships w/ Tiers
Create more recurring paying members on different plans & tiers. Auto-tag members based on the plan. Make Free or paid members on your store to offer discounts & free shipping, show/hide & give members access to products, pages, buy buttons, prices, blog posts, etc. Set up different product pricing based on tired members' plans. Setup Recurring Memberships like Amazon Prime or Netflix. Send automatic emails, SMS, and Push with an advanced platform. Earn recurring revenue with memberships.
- Create multiple unlimited paid or Free Membership Plans for subscribing members.
- Collect payment via Shopify, Paypal & Stripe
- Send automatic Emails, SMS & push messages to members to join the membership.
- Member Access: Show or Hide Products, Collections, Pages, Gallery, Blog & Prices
- Provide offers, discounts and Free Shipping to all Paid recurring members.
Marketing & Conversion
Store management
Store design
Subscription Types
Digital products
Physical products
Access subscriptions
Pricing You Can Set
Trial periods
Tiered pricing
Custom pricing
Dynamic pricing
Recurring payments
Fixed pricing
Key Benefits
- Simplify membership program: Take your idea and turn it into a polished digital product. Create courses, coaching program, membership sites, podcasts, newsletters & more
- Amazon prime like Subscription: Automate your member renewals, reminders & invoices to make your members’ lives easier with recurring payments like Amazon prime & Netflix.
- Restrict access, hide content: Engage members with exclusive content. You can build member engagement by offering access to exclusive member-only web pages & products.
Pricing Plans
- Up to 50 Members
- All Features Included
- Up to 100 Members
- All Features Included
- Up to 750 Members
- All Features Included