Theme customization
Conversion rate optimization

Successful Accounting, Shipping Integrations, and Custom Design for CIPO & BAXX


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Cipo and Baxx


Systems integration

For CIPO AND BAXX, we successfully implemented integrations for accounting and shipping processes. The existing store design was customized to enhance user engagement, while social media integrations were established to boost visibility. We developed tailored solutions for managing products with over 100 variants, ensuring an efficient shopping experience.

CIPO & BAXX - Germany screenshot 1
CIPO & BAXX - Germany screenshot 2
CIPO & BAXX - Germany screenshot 3
CIPO & BAXX - Germany screenshot 4
CIPO & BAXX - Germany screenshot 5
CIPO & BAXX - Germany screenshot 6

Project Tags

social media integration
product variants
shipping integration
custom solutions
accounting integration