Block Digital
Proven Shopify Experts Delivering Revenue-Boosting Solutions
About Block Digital
Transform your e-commerce vision into reality with Block Digital, the trusted Shopify Experts who have generated millions for brands across industries such as fashion, beauty, and food. With a perfect 5-star rating from over a decade of experience, they specialize in custom Shopify 2.0 solutions, conversion rate optimization, and impactful marketing strategies that cater to your unique business needs. Join successful brands like Aday and LilyAna Naturals, and let Block Digital elevate your online store to new heights.
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Our Projects & Clients
Bespoke Shopify 2.0 Theme Development for Ever Eden
Ever Eden engaged us to bring their exceptional in-house designs to life by developing a bespoke Shopify 2.0 theme. Despite the tight two-month deadline, we successfully implemented, tested, and launched the storefront theme. Moreover, we are committed to ongoing collaboration with Ever Eden, focusing on continuous development and enhancement of their online store through our expert Conversion Rate Optimization services.
Long-Term Shopify Support for Snackfully
For over 2 years, we have been providing Shopify support to Snackfully. We initially set them up with our Start and Grow package, designed for new Shopify stores, which enabled them to rapidly expand thanks to their marketing team's extraordinary efforts. As Snackfully continues to grow, the Block Digital team aspires to remain their trusted Shopify Partner and expert.
Bespoke Shopify 2.0 Theme Development for Aday
In 2021, the Aday team reached out to Block Digital following the launch of Shopify storefront 2.0. They sought a Shopify Expert capable of realizing their vision for a custom theme that would operate seamlessly with the new storefront. Our collaboration with Aday has been ongoing since then, showcasing our commitment to their evolving needs.
Bespoke Shopify 2.0 Theme Development for LilyAna Naturals
LilyAna Naturals approached us to develop their new Shopify 2.0 theme. They faced a challenge with only 3 templates designed (Index, Collection, and Product Templates). To meet the project deadline and deliver a complete theme, we leveraged our bespoke Shopify 2.0 Framework. This approach enabled us to quickly launch a fully customized solution tailored to their needs.
Health & BeautyLilyAna Naturals
Health & Beauty
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