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Zeno Ultimate Sales Boost

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Product bundle / Quantity bundle
Cross-sell / Upsell
Stock countdown

About this app

Promote sales with product bundles, cross-sell, upsell, related products, stock countdown, and more.

Create irresistible product bundles and quantity promotions effortlessly, driving larger transactions and increasing average order values. Implement strategic cross-sell and upsell suggestions, enticing customers to explore complementary or upgraded products. Instill a sense of urgency with our real-time stock countdown feature, compelling customers to make timely purchase decisions. Try Zeno Sales Boost today and deliver a seamless shopping experience for your customers!

  • Offer a bundle of related products at a discounted price.
  • Reward bulk purchases by offering discounts in larger quantities.
  • Offer additional products related to the current product.
  • Encourage customers to upgrade their purchase to a higher-priced item.
  • Enjoy a seamless, clutter-free design that's tailor-made for small screens.


Discount Types

Quantity breaks
Countdown timers
Cross-sell discounts
Bulk discounts
Cart discounts
Volume discounts
Tiered pricing

Managing Discounts

Bulk editing
Editor tool