Smart Announcement Bar
Get more sales with Countdown Timer
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About this app
The Smart Announcement Bar app creates a banner with offer announcements or sales details.
The setup of the app is effortless. It provides options for event text, a countdown timer, a redirect link button, and customization of the announcement bar to match the store theme. The merchant can also select the page on which the announcement bar will appear. The customer can view the offers or any announcements of any limited time sale. The app can help in sharing information about promotions, and special offers.
- The setup of the app is effortless.
- It provides options for event text, a countdown timer, a redirect link button.
- Customization of the announcement bar to match the store theme.
- Merchant can select the page on which the announcement bar will appear.
- Customers can view offers or announcements of limited time sales.
- The app helps share information about promotions and special offers.
Store design
Key Benefits
- Smart Sale: Can be used as Promotion bar, Countdown timer
- Focus on customers: Always keeping your customers in the loop about your business updates, promotions and special events
- Easy to Use and Install: No coding or development skills needed. Easy to get started with one-click install