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Webkul Restaurant Management

Real Time Availability of Table Booking, using POS

1 Ratings



Table management
managing table
table management home page
assisgn table
Order view page

About this app

Effectively manage your table reservations. Assign tables through POS easily.

Are you a restaurant owner and using shopify POS? If yes, then the app is suitable for your needs. Webkul Restaurant Management app will help manage the occupancy of tables, orders, assigning of the tables in a much sorted way in coordination with shopify POS. Below are the benefits that you would get once the app is installed: - Reassigning of tables is now an easy job. - Table management. - Organized workflow and visible availability of tables. - Statistics management. - Order management.

  • The owner can effectively manage and do arrangements for their guest seating.
  • Allow merchant to add table with the number of the chair it consists of.
  • The status of the table occupancy in your hotel can be managed with ease.


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