Propel Sale Bulk Price Editor
Scheduled Sales, Product Discounts,Flash Sale App,Price Editor
179 Ratings
About this app
Change the prices of your products in bulk - fast! Schedule flash sales, recurring sales and more.
With Propel Sale & Bulk Price Editor, you can quickly bulk edit your shop’s prices or schedule one-time, weekly, monthly, and custom recurring sales with just a few clicks. Plus, with sale badges and countdown timers to add urgency, you'll not only bulk edit your prices and sales faster, you'll sell more too! Try Propel Sale & Bulk Price Editor and see how popular brands use it to better manage their product pricing, automate sales and boost revenue!
- Bulk price editor can change the prices of up to 120 variants per minute
- Create weekly, monthly and recurring sales in only a few clicks
- Applies the greatest discount when multiple sales are active to prevent stacking
- Add urgency and increase conversions with sale countdown timers
- Promote your sale products with stylish sale badges
Discount Types
Managing Discounts
Editable Resources
Key Benefits
- Run scheduled sales: Create weekly, monthly and recurring sales in only a few clicks. We take care of discounting then restoring prices when sales end.
- Prevent discount stacking: Intelligent discount logic prevents discount stacking. When multiple sales are active, we auto-apply the greatest discount.
- Super fast price editor: Discount your entire shop with a scheduled sale or use it as a price editor for specific products. Discount up to 120 products/minute!
Pricing Plans
Free Forever
- Discount up to 20 variants
- Schedule one-time & recurring sales
- Several discount rules
- Basic support
- Discount UNLIMITED variants
- Schedule one-time & recurring sales
- Several discount rules
- Stylish sale badges
- Countdown clock
- Priority support
App Insights
Monthly Reviews
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