No‑Contact Delivery
Add new 'No-contact' delivery option to your store.
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About this app
Add a 'No-contact' delivery option to your store.
The No-Contact Delivery app allows your customers to request the contact-free delivery option and safely receive their orders. The selected non-contact option is visible in the order view, so you will be able to track such orders and deliver them accordingly. Such a small addition can significantly boost your sales and keep your business alive during these unprecedented times.
- Add contactless delivery option to ensure safe order delivery and receipt
- Let your shoppers provide instructions and preferences for delivery
- The app is equipped with automatic installation and supports most of the themes
Orders & Shipping
Key Benefits
- New safe delivery option: Add contactless delivery option to ensure safe order delivery and receipt during the quarantine.
- Enhanced customer experience: Let your shoppers share their preferences on contact free delivery (at the door, prior phone call, etc.)
- Ease of use & customizability: No coding is required. Add no-contact delivery label to product pages, description to cart and product pages, and more.