Keepoala: Returns & rewards logo

Keepoala: Returns & rewards

Return reducing loyalty program. Return analytics dashboard.

6 Ratings




Add-on return portal: one frontend for Shopify & Avocadostore
Keepoala - Loyalty, return portal & insights
Add-on return portal: automatic exchanges & store credit
(Optional), non-invasive cart/cart drawer banner
Step 1-3 when giving most detailed insights on return reason
Keepoala banner after successful purchase from new customer
Add-on data dashboard: cohort analysis
Keepoala banner after successful purchase from Keepoala customer
Summary: Benefits of Keepoala loyalty program
Step 4-6 asking for shop feedback & customer happiness (NPS)
Add-on data dashboard: return reason analysis
Customizable, clickable Keepoala banner on order success page
Keepoala Banner in Shopping cart

About this app

Keepoala is your digital return expert. We increase your CLVs and manage remaining returns.

As a multi-brand loyalty program, we incentivize customers to avoid returns by granting points for not sending back online orders. Collected points are redeemed for vouchers in your shop, used by shoppers that keep 9/10 orders, opening up a new customer acquisition channel & increasing retention as well. This is done with the help of a standalone Keepoala App, your shop being connected via Shopify. Handle remaining returns within our whitelabel return portal, being part of the same Shopify app.

  • Loyalty: be visible amongst low returning shoppers, making them your customers.
  • Return portal: automate send backs & exchanges, keep revenue and push NPS.
  • Dashboard: identify most profitable cohorts and learn from return reasons.


Store management


Rewards You Can Offer

Store credit

Program Types

Custom programs
Reward programs

Key Benefits

  • Real-time return analysis: You don’t have an own data scientist to dig into return data. Look behind return reasons through your Keepoala return dashboard & benchmark
  • Fast tweaks on product variety: So far you are not able to analyze return reasons on product and customer level. Get recommendations on products to push or dismiss in shop.
  • Increased EBIT margin: You finally save money through less returns. Sustainable. Long lasting impact will get you ahead of competition.

Pricing Plans

Full Plan


  • Keepoala Return Dashboard
  • Return insights
  • Integration of all Orders in the Keepoala App
  • Voucher and Loyalty program for all customers

App Insights

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