GO Rescue Payments
Cancel unpaid orders after x hours/days
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About this app
How it works Define your own rules Cancel any pending order based on payment method Unblock the inventory in unpaid orders How it works Define your own rules Cancel any pending order based on payment method Unblock the inventory in unpaid orders
Store management
Key Benefits
- Auto-cancel Unpaid Orders: Automatically cancel any pending payments after x hours/days
- Clear your orders list: Scans for orders that are more than x days or hours old, and cancels the order if its payment status is still pending
- Easy Setup: Have a clear overview of your unpaid orders
Pricing Plans
- "Basic" stores only
- Unlimited Rules
- Unlimited Orders
- "Shopify" stores only
- Unlimited Rules
- Unlimited Orders
- "Advanced" stores only
- Unlimited Rules
- Unlimited Orders
- "Plus" stores only
- Unlimited Rules
- Unlimited Orders