Famous Finder App
Identify celebrities and influencers who order from your store
6 Ratings
About this app
The Famous Finder App helps you identify influencers and celebrities who purchase from your store.
We make it easy to identify when a celebrity or influencer purchases from your store. The app cross-references your customers after each order with our proprietary database of famous individuals to ensure you’re getting verified, accurate information. If there's a match, you’ll be notified via email when a celebrity purchases from your store. Our dashboard displays all matches found in our database. We offer FREE white glove installation services! Schedule on our website at famousfinder.co
- Get a notification when a celebrity or influencer purchases from your store.
- Access in-depth profiles for all celebrities who have made a purchase.
- Receive automated emails when a customer matches with our celebrity database.
Store management
Key Benefits
- Identify Celebrity Customers: Get notified when someone with a famous name purchases something from your store.
- Acces to Detailed Profiles: View in-depth details and profiles for all potential celebrities who have purchased from your Shopify store.
- Automatic Cross-Referencing: Receive automated emails if a customer matches with our celebrity database so you know as soon as possible!