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Carbon Neutral Cart

Simple carbon offsetting.

89 Ratings



About this app

Join Etihad, AS Colour, & 780+ more in offsetting CO2 with CarbonClick. Simple carbon offsetting. This movement is happening. Over 780 merchants are using Carbon Neutral Cart to allow customers to offset the CO2 impact of their online purchases. How it works: Customers can choose to make a contribution that goes towards trusted carbon offsetting projects, like tree planting and renewable energy projects. These trusted projects reduce carbon and drive meaningful impact in communities around the world
 Why choose CarbonClick over other offsetting solutions? Proven Customer Love If you’ve read our app reviews, you’ll know that brands and their customers love CarbonClick. Unbelievably High Customer Engagement We still can't believe how many customers engage with our offset button everyday. For some merchants, up to 50% of purchases include offsets.  Offset Your Entire Order Most offsetting solutions only cover freight and shipping. Our standard offset ($2 paid for by your customers) covers an entire order*. Local and Global Offsetting Choices We think it’s important that the offsets your customers purchase are related to your location and can be instantly tracked. Installing our app helps support climate projects in countries such as New Zealand, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Kenya, Nigeria, India, and United Kingdom.  Earn an additional revenue stream 10% of offsets sold goes to a rebate fund for you. Donate it to charity, offset business emissions or spend on in-house sustainability initiatives Key Features  Enable carbon offsetting for your customers in minutes
 * Free to start  * Fast Go-live * Get our tech team to install it for you. Pro user? Self-onboard with step by step guide and video * Friendly, fast email support * Customizable look and feel  * Customise the text displayed to tell your story * Translate into your language * E-commerce sustainability guide, marketing material, CarbonClick's eco-badge and more * Certified, trusted and traceable offset projects * Support mix of high impact projects * Automatically also support local projects if you're in US, AU and NZ
 Help save our planet. Be part of the movement. Start making a difference today *The standard $2 offset offsets up to 62 kgs of CO2. Based on current benchmarks across ecommerce products, this offset covers the vast majority of products' carbon footprints. Join Etihad, AS Colour, & 780+ more in offsetting CO2 with CarbonClick. Simple carbon offsetting. This movement is happening. Over 780 merchants are using Carbon Neutral Cart to allow customers to offset the CO2 impact of their online purchases. How it works: Customers can choose to make a contribution that goes towards trusted carbon offsetting projects, like tree planting and renewable energy projects. These trusted projects reduce carbon and drive meaningful impact in communities around the world
 Why choose CarbonClick over other offsetting solutions? Proven Customer Love If you’ve read our app reviews, you’ll know that brands and their customers love CarbonClick. Unbelievably High Customer Engagement We still can't believe how many customers engage with our offset button everyday. For some merchants, up to 50% of purchases include offsets.  Offset Your Entire Order Most offsetting solutions only cover freight and shipping. Our standard offset ($2 paid for by your customers) covers an entire order*. Local and Global Offsetting Choices We think it’s important that the offsets your customers purchase are related to your location and can be instantly tracked. Installing our app helps support climate projects in countries such as New Zealand, United States, Canada, Australia, China, Kenya, Nigeria, India, and United Kingdom.  Earn an additional revenue stream 10% of offsets sold goes to a rebate fund for you. Donate it to charity, offset business emissions or spend on in-house sustainability initiatives Key Features  Enable carbon offsetting for your customers in minutes
 * Free to start  * Fast Go-live * Get our tech team to install it for you. Pro user? Self-onboard with step by step guide and video * Friendly, fast email support * Customizable look and feel  * Customise the text displayed to tell your story * Translate into your language * E-commerce sustainability guide, marketing material, CarbonClick's eco-badge and more * Certified, trusted and traceable offset projects * Support mix of high impact projects * Automatically also support local projects if you're in US, AU and NZ
 Help save our planet. Be part of the movement. Start making a difference today *The standard $2 offset offsets up to 62 kgs of CO2. Based on current benchmarks across ecommerce products, this offset covers the vast majority of products' carbon footprints.


Marketing & Conversion
Store design

Key Benefits

  • Carbon Neutral Orders: Enable your customers to offset the carbon footprint of their order at checkout.
  • Better for your business: Improve conversion and retention. Research shows that consumers think better of brands who align with a cause they care about.
  • Enterprise-grade technology: Our tech is used by world-class businesses such as: AS Colour, Etihad Airlines, Air Tahiti Nui, Constellation Brands, and more.

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2 total brands in our network using this app
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Recent Reviews



United States

The Climate Friendly Cart team is friendly and great to work with; we love this app! Carbon Footprint reduction is important to us so we appreciate the ability to extend that to our customers.


United States

I absolutely love the concept of this app so easy and such a good thing for the Earth. The customer service was excellent and they helped me get the app working and looking perfect in my shop's cart page, contacting me on their own to see if I wanted something done to make it work better. And the best news is that my customers have been using it without me even promoting it, they see it in the cart as an option when checking out and they are doing it. That speaks for itself! Please help combat climate change and install this app.


United States

Really easy and fast to set up with excellent customer service. Our customers immediately started adding offset and we've had a very positive response. I highly recommend!



Really great initiative that we're proud to get behind at Tropeaka! Their support team was also really great for onboarding a custom solution!



This is a great app! Very impressed with how well thought out the carbon offset options are. Integration to our store was easy and we are happy to be working along side CarbonClick on a great cause.



Customer service was so awesome at helping integrate into my two Shopify sites and we are stoked to now offer this option to our customers. In only 4 days we've already had customers select this option to offset which is really encouraging and we look forward to tracking results over the coming weeks.