
Bingage: Loyalty & Rewards

3 Ratings



Loyalty widget customisation
Loyalty program insights
Wallet loyalty setup
Bingage Banner
 VIP Tier of Loyalty program

About this app

Turn your customers into repeat buyers, with a fully customized reward & customer loyalty platform.

Bingage empowers e-commerce, and retail brands with no-code gamified rewards, customer loyalty, referral, and VIP tier programs to help them increase customer retention and CLV. Our unified reward platform is no-code and takes only minutes to set up, also it is fully customizable and API-centric, making it ideal for growing businesses. We are there 24/7 for support and to help you succeed, and we mean it because we have mastered customer loyalty and reward over the years.

  • Select your preferred loyalty program, cashback program, or points program.
  • Provide multiple ways for customers to earn and redeem rewards.
  • Customize the widget, public reward page, and emails to match your brand's style
  • Increase sales by rewarding your consumers for referrals.
  • Build a fully customized solution with Bingage's Developer Toolkit


Rewards You Can Offer

Free products
Cash back
Custom rewards
Free shipping

Program Types

Stamp or punch cards
Digital wallets
Custom programs
VIP tiers
Reward programs
Cash back programs

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