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Beast Best Sellers

Set up proper best seller collections with automation and more

2 Ratings



Adding a period-based configuration
Best Sellers automation
Adding a day-based configuration
Tagged product
Dashboard, multiple configurations

About this app

The app helps merchants to set up and automate bestseller collections based on quantities or sales.

In Shopify, the items are considered bestsellers based on the number of times they were ordered, but the quantities sold are not taken into account. So, for example, a t-shirt A ordered as a single item 5 times will have more relevance than a t-shirt B that has been sold 3 times in quantities by 2 i.e. t-shirt A with 5 items sold will have a higher rank than t-shirt B with 6 items sold. Our app tracks quantities sold and sale totals which allows more advanced and flexible bestseller collections.

  • Set up best sellers collection based on quantities sold
  • Set up best sellers collection based on sales total
  • Set up best sellers collections based on fixed period of time
  • Track best sellers ongoing based on last X days
  • Continuous sort order update of the best seller collections' products


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