Bannerfy Announcement Banners
Easy to use & fully customizable announcement banners
2 Ratings
About this app
Create beautifully animated and fully customizable accouncement banners on your storefront!
Increase visibility of upcoming events like sales, discounts, coupons and promotions through highly customizable announcement banners. Equiped with dozens of fonts, call to action, animations, and custom behaviour, Bannerfy provides a highly visible platform to show your customers what is really important.
- Fully customizable to match your theme!
- Add animations to ensure banners get seen!
- Custom behaviour to enable sales and events!
Store design
Key Benefits
- Fully Customizable: Create fully customizable banners through an intuative interface that is easy to learn and manage.
- Engage your customers: Display free shipping, sales events, important store updates, and more to your customers.
- One click installation: With one click you can get started building your fully custom app that matches your storefront theme.
Pricing Plans
- 1 banner limit
- custom text & style
- custom call to action
- custom banner position
- apears/disappears behaviour
- UNLIMITED banners
- custom text & style (animations!)
- custom call to action (animations!)
- custom banner position
- appears/disappears behaviour
App Insights
Monthly Reviews
Stores by category
Stores by product count
Distribution of store sizes using this app
8 total brands in our network using this app
Grouped by number of products in their store